If your child is arriving late at the College, it is necessary for them to sign into the College. This will be recorded as late on their attendance, please notify the College if their lateness relates to an appointment.
If your child is leaving the college during the day before the end of classes they must sign out at the office. Students will not be permitted to sign out without parent permission. Parents may contact the front office in person, or via phone/email to arrange their child’s early departure.
Please contact the College Office on 02 7256 2112 or via email stpauls@dbb.catholic.edu.au before 10:00 am if your child is absent from school.
If you have not contacted the College to advise of your child’s absence, please send a note the next day clearly identifying student name, pastoral care class, a reason for absence, date and parent signature. Alternatively, parents can access Compass to update student absentee details.
If you are considering a short period of leave requiring your child to be absent from school, please complete this form and email to stpauls@dbb.catholic.edu.au for the attention of the Principal.
Your form should be sent to the College at least two weeks prior to the proposed leave date, and is to include the following details:
If the requested leave period is 10 days or more, please click here, complete and sign the Form A1 Application for Extended Leave (L) – Travel and return attached with your email.
To access information regarding compulsory school attendance (NSW Education Department) click here.