QKR Payments


The College offers Qkr (by MasterCard) as an easy to use, a secure phone app for making school payments from your mobile phone. Qkr will accept payment using ANY credit/debit card and has a simple checkout function. No info is stored on the mobile phone. We are strongly encouraging all credit card payments to be completed through Qkr particularly for fees, sports teams, Duke of Ed etc.

Step 1: Download Qkr! on your Android phone or iPhone.
iPad users can download iPhone App. App Store or Google Play

Step 2: Register
Select your Country of Residence as ‘Australia’ and follow the steps to register

Step 3: In the search bar type ‘Manly’ and press search

Step 4: Select St Paul’s College Manly from the list

Step 5: Register your Children
When first accessing your school menu, you will be prompted to register your child. This allows you to make school payments on their behalf.

* Please ensure that you always download any updates to the App.

Note: The Qkr web client is available for those not wanting to complete transactions from their mobile phone.


Qkr is a safe, secure and reliable way to pay for school items. Qkr Is provided by MasterCard so you know the payments are secure. No information is stored on your phone. Registration details and card information are saved securely on the MasterCard network.

Qkr will accept payment using ANY credit/debit card.